The ninth day of the Regional National Labor Relations Board hearing for Chatham Faculty United resumed on April 1 after about a week break.
Dr. Lisa Lambert started the hearing on the witness stand and has been on the stand since the beginning of the hearing. The Vice President of Academic Affairs has given nearly 50 hours of testimony since she was first brought to the witness stand.
What was asked
Dr. Lambert was asked by the University’s lawyers how much say faculty have in deciding changes to academic programs and policy.
Dr. Lambert was asked to testify about examples of changes made to the curriculum, majors offered and teaching methods used. She also testified about the administrative responsibilities of specific individuals in the roles of program directors, associate program directors and department chairs.
The University’s lawyers asked about faculty authority in budgeting, enrollment, evaluating faculty performance and resolving faculty grievances.
The April 1 hearing marked the end of Dr. Lambert’s time on the witness stand. The cross-examination lasted around 90 minutes and focused on the faculty manual.
What is next
Dr. Edith Barrett was then called to the witness stand to round out the rest of the day’s hearing.
It is currently unknown how long this hearing will last, or how much the University is paying for its lawyers. The Communiqué will continue to cover this hearing until its conclusion.
Hearings will resume at 9 a.m. on April 2.