In honor of Chatham University’s 150th anniversary, the Communiqué is recreating photos from the University’s archives. Check the Communiqué each issue to see the latest photo feature.
The Chapel: Then and Now
This photo titled “Postcard of Campus with Chapel and Dilworth Hall” shows Chapel Hill. Ground was broken for the construction of the Chapel in June 1948, and it was dedicated May 6, 1950. Photo courtesy of Chatham Archives & Special Collections. Created 1960 by Paul M. Penney.
While the Chapel is still there, Dilworth Hall, the other prominent building in the original photo, has been torn down and replaced by Braun Hall. While Dilworth Hall stood tall and rivaled the Chapel in height, Braun, Falk and Coolidge make up a long, shorter building. Photo by Lilly Kubit.
Dilworth Hall: Then and Now
This photo titled “Dilworth Hall I & Chapel” shows the old and new on campus. Dilworth Hall was completed in March 1889 and torn down in 1952. The Chapel was finished in 1950. Photo courtesy of Chatham Archives & Special Collections. Created 1950 by Reom A. Fisher.
The Chapel now stands tall with no competition for height. Braun Hall replaced Dilworth Hall. Next to it is a pathway to the quad. Photo by Lilly Kubit.
Falk, Coolidge, Braun: Then and Now
This photo titled “Student Reading on Campus Green” depicts then-senior Michele M. Gazica ’83 reading while propped against a tree on the quad. Photo courtesy of Creator unknown.
Katie Crouch ’23 prepares for the Chatham Choir’s cabaret by studying her music in an Adirondack chair on the quad. Since the original photo was taken, the trees have gotten bigger and thicker, covering part of Falk in the background. Photo by Lilly Kubit.
Gymnasium: Then and Now
This photo titled “Gymnasium II” shows the second gym built in 1948. Photo courtesy of Creator is Clyde Hare from 1960.
Now called the Art and Design Center, the old gymnasium houses painting, sculpting and other forms of art and classes. The gym was retrofitted in 2004 to be equipped with Mac labs and other art studios. Some of the original features, like the school logo in the center of the wood floor, stayed after the changes. Photo by Lilly Kubit.