CSG Brief: February meetings focus on upcoming events and student issues

March 11, 2022
Feb 3
Class of 2023 Vice President Hannah Perry, voiced improving Information Technology Services (ITS) in response to students losing connection to Brightspace and my.chatham for several days.
Executive Vice President, Leo Liotta ’23 suggested that a member should visit the ITS department to understand their ongoing issues.
Perry decided to ask the ITS department and Liotta decided to handle making posters and social media posts to raise students’ awareness of the department’s job opportunities.
Liotta announced a proclamation will be awarded to The Coffee Tree Roasters on Walnut Street.
Created by class of 2024 President Phillip Hingston, and Vice President for Student Diversity and Inclusion Lalah Williams ’22, wanted to award this local business for its continuous effort to create a better work environment and safe space for student employees.
“This business deeply resonates with CSG’s mission for a strong, well-established community of dedicated university leaders,” said Liotta.
Hingston announced the collaboration project with Laughlin Living Learning Community (LLC) for the Period Product Donation Drive.
Other collaborators are Women’s Athletics, Student Power, the Feminist Coalition, the Women’s Institute, Women’s Soccer and Community Service Club. It will receive donations such as pads, tampons, or menstrual cups to provide for other students.
For more information, students can contact [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].
For more resources, students can also visit period.org.
Feb 10 (First in-person meeting of the spring semester: LCC2 in Jenny King Mellon Library)
During advisory reports, CSG members discussed issues concerning the Eden Hall shuttle times and inaccessibility to the Wi-Fi.
The Proclamation for The Coffee Tree Roasters was approved by all members. Liotta decided that an invited representative of the establishment would be given the honor during a future meeting.
Executive President Tahbaz ’23 announced that members needed to devise plans to properly manage CSG’s budget.
Hingston suggested a trip to Phipps Conservatory for the first day of spring because of the building’s useful student discounts.
Several members suggested a spirit rally to commence spring sports and close the non-athlete and athlete student divide. Vice President for Student Finances, Emi Perdan ’23 said that there would be pre-cautions concerning COVID-19, and possible campus events that conflict with the tentative date.
Liotta proposed working with the Cougar Council due to their experience in these events and took on the role of inviting several student organizations piquing the student body’s interests.
Concerning the edits to Chatham University’s Constitution, Class Treasurer Aiden Bobik ’25 was given the title of parliamentarian by Tahbaz because of his knowledge and discipline for the role. Under his new role, Bobik is responsible for executing multiple activities and verify student positions
During the open forum, Tahbaz suggested that CSG should hold a Town Hall once again. Trying to reach a level of normalcy, he suggested that it should be held in a public space to encourage students to speak about their issues or concerns.
Feb 17
Once again in-person, CSG members discussed old issues such as commencing a Town Hall event, managing their budget and planning the spring semester’s spirit rally.
Hingston updated the members on the possible Phipps Conservatory trip. If 24 students register for the event, the prices range from $18 to $9.
Class Representative Ken Richards ’23 updated CSG on his water-gun fight proposal and suggested it could be held during the spirit rally. According to Richards, if 200 to 300 were to participate and buy their own water guns, then there could be a large prize to be won by students.
Class Vice President Jackson Adkins ’25 announced his plan to provide students additional information for composting on campus. By posting a guide for students to observe the listed steps, he hopes to educate the incoming first-year and transfer students.
Discussed during Open Forum, Liotta spoke about their feelings towards the campus police and noted some past negative experiences with Chatham officers. Other members said they had some decent experiences, but Liotta defined this issue as a “mixed-bag.”
“There has mostly been negative to neutral experiences with few positive ones, and that may be the case for other students,” said Liotta.
One point of concern that was raised by the group was students’ lack of knowledge about the officers’ identities. While some students proposed updated posters with a list of officers, others were interested in a digital version of a staff list that could be easily updated and accessed.
Conveying their caution on approaching this matter, Liotta said, “we need to express our concerns non-confrontationally to ensure that the officers do not feel antagonized and can listen to our grievances.”
Feb 24, 2022
Conducted over Zoom, updates about the spirit rally were discussed. Class Representative Melissa Redding ’23 told members that the cheerleading team is practicing a dance to perform at the rally. The tentative date discussed for the rally was March 11 in the Athletic Fitness Center (AFC).
Head of the Safety Committee Perry, discussed her conversation with head of the Maintenance Department Robert DuBray about improving the blue light system on campus. Additionally, she expressed that there must be a better team effort within the committee if actions are to be completed.
Efforts for implementing composting guidelines were discussed as well. Adkins discussed his meeting with the Director of Sustainability Mary Whitney for dorm composting options. There cannot be composting pick-up services for the dorms. Additionally, the application through the Green Fund was denied because it was disrupted during COVID-19.
Adkins suggested there could be miniature portable composting bins that students could bring to the dumpster behind Anderson Dining Hall. However, he mentioned that this plan would need to be discussed with Orientation Leaders and Resident Assistants.
If students would like to join future CSG meetings, they are held over Zoom or in room LLC2 in the JKM Library on Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.