Dean of Students, Chris Purcell, the advisor of Chatham Student Government (CSG), swore in the 2023-24 Executive Board after the first CSG meeting on Thursday, Sept. 7. The advisor is responsible for elections and providing an institutional explanation for ideas mentioned in the meetings.
The Executive President, Jackson Adkins ’23, is responsible for talking to President Rhonda Phillips about any issues mentioned in a CSG meeting.
The responsibilities of the Executive Vice President, Aidan Bobik ‘24, include acting as chair of the Senate, who maintains the order of the meeting. Additionally, they are responsible for the Student Organization Forum, and the creation of the agenda.
Gabrielle Slovikosky ‘26 is the vice president of student finances and is responsible for CSG’s budget and the allocation of a budget for student organizations.
Jada Jenkins ‘26, vice president of communications, is responsible for the communication to student organizations and the organization of social media posts, and acts as the chair of the Engagement Committee.
The Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Madison Stokes ‘26, is responsible for issues relating to diversity at Chatham and may collaborate with other cultural student organizations.
Listed below are the current positions for the classes:
Class of 2024
- President: Sophia Boyle
- Vice President: Nathan Tebay
- Treasurer: Ashbey Kirkpatrick
- Secretary: Jocelyn Gane
- Representatives: Melissa Redding and Samuel Helton
Class of 2025
- President: Maggie Vargo
- Vice President: Madison Smith
- Treasurer: Atticus Danielson
- Representative: Kierra Selby
- The 2nd Representative position and Class Secretary is vacant and will be appointed by the class president per the constitution.
Class of 2026
- President: Morgan Rapsky
- Vice President: Martha Deng
- Treasurer: Christopher Szarka
- Secretary: Jonah Schiffgens-Smith
- Representative: Rachel Sanders
- The 2nd Representative position is vacant and will be appointed by the class president per the constitution.
Class of 2027
- President: Dominic Randall
- Vice President: Olivia Harris
- Treasurer: Nathan Martinelli
- Secretary: LJ Varley
- Representatives: Connor Domke and Caroline Northridge
The new business section of CSG is meant to discuss new items brought forward by CSG members. Its format has been updated into the following two sections: Legislative Action and Topics of Discussion.
The open forum section of CSG is meant to allow members to discuss other topics. In this meeting, the CSG members discussed the format of office hours. Tebay suggested appointments to limit the extended hours at the Carriage House.
Rapsky also recommended having one table where meetings are held to indicate that it is designated for CSG. Rapsky is also hosting an event to collaborate with smaller universities like Point Park University to gain insight into how other universities run their student government.
The appointment and resignation section is meant to notify members who have resigned from CSG or been appointed to CSG. For example, Douglas Bensch ’25 from the position of secretary.
If students are interested in getting involved with CSG, they can attend an in-person meeting in the Convover Room in the Mellon Center from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Students can also visit the CSG website or Instagram page (ChathamStudentGovernment) to learn more about the organization.