Chatham University plans to initiate an “Adopt-A-Building” campaign to raise funds from alumni for building renovations on the Shadyside campus. Alumni will be able to contribute funds, either as individuals or as groups, to specific buildings on Shadyside once a full assessment of maintenance needs is completed by Chatham facilities.
The initiative is a part of the larger Chatham RENEW 2025 action plan, a two-year plan focused on three goals: furthering academic and student success, renovating and restoring campus buildings and improving financial and operational sustainability. Chatham RENEW was announced to the community at the investiture of President Rhonda Phillips on Oct. 13.
While any building on the Shadyside campus could receive funding, the first priority for renovations will be on-campus housing and classroom spaces.
“What we’re going to try to do is focus on historic properties first,” Dr. Phillips said. “There’s a lot of need so each building will have a list, compiled by facilities, of what needs fixing and what students who are currently living there want changed.”
The strategy to address renovation needs will consist of several steps starting with an internal review of renovation needs by Chatham’s facilities staff and gathering feedback from students currently living on Shadyside campus on what renovations are needed.
The Office of University Advancement, Fundraising and Alumni Engagement also conducted surveys of alumni who returned to Chatham during Alumni Weekend to get insight on where individuals saw the need for improvements, according to Interim Executive Director of University Advancement Dana DePasquale.
While an exact cost for renovations has not been calculated, Dr. Phillips estimated that the total cost of renovation will be in the millions.
“We’re a historic campus and it takes a lot of care, it takes a lot of effort,” said Dr. Phillips. “We can help our campus look better, like we can spruce things up, even out the pavements and not have things falling off of any buildings.”
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