CSG Brief Feb. 8-Feb. 15: President Phillips meets with Jackson Adkins ‘25
Feb. 8
- Executive Board Reports:
- Executive President: Executive President Jackson Adkins ‘25 reported that he met with Chatham University President Rhonda Phillips on Feb. 5.
- Late Night Dining: Adkins brought up the student concerns surrounding the current lack of dining options available on campus for students before 8 a.m. and after 10 p.m. Dr. Phillips recommended researching take and pay options at other competing universities and discussing with Parkhurst and the Food Committee on the best ways to proceed.
- Chatham Faculty United: Adkins asked about the Board of Trustee’s plan regarding the decision on whether to voluntarily acknowledge the faculty union. Dr. Phillips declined to comment.
- Excused Mental Health Days: Per CSG.Resolution-SP2024-02, Adkins asked for Dr. Phillips’s opinion on the University honoring excused mental health absences. Dr, Phillips expressed her desire to support student well-being but said she would also want to hear faculty opinions on the matter.
- Budget Committee: Dr. Phillips introduced the idea for an advisory group made up of undergraduate students, representatives from the Board of Trustees, representatives from each school, staff council and other budget specific staff to oversee and understand the University’s financials and make recommendations and adjustments where they see fit. Dr. Phillips said that the group would come together in April to discuss the 2025 fiscal year.
- Academic Year Theme: Dr. Phillips proposed the idea of having a University-wide theme for next year’s academic year. The theme would be a central topic that all departments within the University would approach from different angles, create projects and host events around. Adkins said that he would present the idea to the Senate and discuss possible ideas for a theme.
- Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion report: Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion Madison Stokes ‘26 reported that she had a meeting with Assistant Professor of Creative Writing Dr. Anjali Sachdeva and Coordinator of Student Engagement & Belonging Ali Hoefnagel about hosting a Holding Space on the Page event for writers of color.
- Standing Committee Reports:
- Academic Advocacy Committee: Class 2027 Representative Connor Domke reported that he emailed Dr. Lambert about how minors of discontinued programs will be handled. He said that minors have not been looked at yet, but will be assessed independently of the original major. He also said that there have been no updates regarding the changes on the third floor of the library.
- Open Forum
- Cheer and Dance Team: Class 2026 President Morgan Rapsky inquired about ways to recognize the Cheer and Dance Team for their hard work throughout the past year or provide compensation to their captains following the dismissal of their coach. Class 2024 Representative and member of the Dance Team Melissa Redding did not know if compensation would be possible but recommended a proclamation recognizing the work that previous coach had done. The Senate voted to refer the issue to the Athletic Engagement Committee.
- Theme Ideas: Adkins asked the body for any ideas on a theme for next academic year. While CSG members discussed possible theme topics, no firm decisions were made and the issue was referred to the Executive Board for further discussion.
- Appointments and Resignations
- Anna Betar was appointed to the position of Class 2025 Representative.
- Madison Butina was appointed to the position of Class 2026 Treasurer.
- Paige Watson was appointed to the position of Class 2027 Representative.
Feb. 15
- New Business
- Submitted Items for Legislative Action:
- CSG.Measure-SP2024-01 — A Measure Establishing an ad-hoc Reform Committee: Executive Vice President Aidan Bobik ‘24 introduced a measure to establish an ad hoc Reform Committee chaired by Class 2025 President Maggie Vargo to recommend changes to CSG’s structure, policies and procedures. The committee will issue up to three reports on their evaluations of inner CSG workings and will end on or before March 22. CSG members approved the measure.
- Executive Board Reports
- Executive Vice President: Bobik reported that the Executive Board decided that CSG members will be able to hold office hours at Eden Hall.
- Class Reports
- Class of 2026: Rapsky reported that the Developer’s Club has been working on building a user interface for the app for their class project.
- Open Forum
- Late-night Dining Options and Dietary Restrictions: Class 2024 President Ashbey Kirkpatrick raised concerns about a lack of food options with late-night dining in Anderson Dining Hall and Watson added that Anderson Dining Hall has limited options for those with dietary restrictions. CSG members referred these issues to the Food Committee.
If students are interested in getting involved with CSG, they can attend an in-person meeting in the Conover Room in the Mellon Board Room on Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Students can also visit the CSG website to learn more about the organization.