by: Emily Simons
Africa: Egyptian Mosque Attack
Following the terrorist attack in the North Sinai province, Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi declared a country wide period of mourning for three days. President el-Sisi also stated that the Egyptian military will respond against the militants with brutal force. Egypt’s Chief Prosecutor Nabil Sadeq reported that the terrorist attack against Sufi worshippers claimed the lives of 305 people and wounded 128 others. Egyptian officials hope to completely secure the region to its previous level of peace within a month.
Asia: North Korean Missile Escalation Continues
In the latest rounds of North Korean missile testing, the country claims they have the ability to reach all of the United States mainland. However, American, Japanese, and South Korean officials agree that the missile, which landed in Japanese waters, does not pose a threat to the United States or its allies. North Korea claims that the purpose of the missiles is to protect against the United States imperialistic power. In response to these actions, the United States placed North Korea back on the list of countries that support terrorism with the goal of placing more sanctions on the country.
Europe: Brexit Talk Sees Possible Closure
The ongoing Brexit negotiations may overcome a major roadblock, bringing some closure to the divorce. The European Union demanded that Britain pay a share of its EU spending commitments made before Britain leaves the Union. If Britain takes this step it will give more security to the financial aspects of the trade talks. However, the issues of citizenship and movement between borders remains a pressing issue. With Britain set to leave in March of 2019, updates on these negotiations will be extremely important for the future of Europeans.
South America: Honduras Election Controversy
Tension runs high after the Honduran elections held on Monday, November 27th. President Juan Orlando Hernández currently leads by less than 1 percentage point, roughly, 22,000 votes, after 88% of the Honduran ballots have been counted. However, opposition leader Salvador Nasralla claims that the Honduran election tribunal manipulated the ballots. Nasralla is suspicious because the electoral tribunal is elected by President Herández’s controlled Congress and in the beginning of the ballot counting process Nasralla lead the polls. Protests erupted against President Hernández as the vote are still being counted.
South Pacific: Papua New Guinea Seeks Border Protection Against Indonesia
Belden Namah, a Papua New Guinea Parliament Member, calls for more actions to combat the unsecure border between PNG and Indonesia. Namah claims that guns and illicit goods coming through the border remain a large problem in the area. He wants closer coordination with both the Indonesian and Australian governments to end the illegal trading of arms between borders. Namah also stated that Indonesian troops continue their illegal raids within PNG borders which endanger the lives and wellbeing of the West Papua people.