Living on campus does not only mean having to walk reduced distances to reach your classes, the dining hall or the AFC. Chatham Residence Life Office always knows how to make the students’ stay on campus enjoyable.
The past week had been an entertaining one for the students who live in Chatham’s various residence halls. It was the Hall Olympics week, arranged and implemented by Residence Life. The Underwater Egghunt was the opening of this chain of events which took place on Monday February 3 in the AFC pool.
The events were held Monday through Friday in the different facilities of the campus, and by the end of the week the points earned by every residence hall were added up and the winning house/hall got a pizza party.
The Underwater Egghunt event was about collecting floating eggs from the pool. The eggs were filled with money or little slips of paper for gift cards and over a $100 worth of prizes. Each residence hall (Laughlin and Rea, Fickes, Woodland and Chatham Apartments) was competing. The points collected were expected to contribute to the overall Olympics score by the end of the week.
“It’s just to build camaraderie among the halls and fun activities throughout the week,” said Tatum Risch, Laughlin GRD and MBA & Professional Writing Graduate at Chatham.
Anyone who lives in the residence halls could take part in these events. Shannon Ward, Rea RA and a Creative Writing and Women’s Studies senior at Chatham said she was actually the one who proposed the event: “Residence Life asked the RAs what kind of events they would like to see on campus and asked for ideas, and I found this one and thought it was really cool.”
Catherine Giles, Environmental Science junior at Chatham and a Chatham Apartments RA referred to the Hall Olympics as a great event that enables more utilization of the campus facilities.
Since not many people attended this event, Residence Life decided to count attendance towards the total score of every residence hall.
The results of the Underwater Egghunt event were: Laughlin and Rea in first place as they gained 216 points, then Fickes with 95 points, Chatham Apartments in third place as they earned 70 points, and Woodland with 16 points.