Police blotter: Incidents reported at Chatham University, Feb. 24 to March 22
March 30, 2021
Feb. 24 – Officers responded to a car accident in Jennie King Mellon Library parking lot. Officers reported no one was injured.
Feb. 26 – A student reported a damaged lock to an apartment door at Chatham Apartments.
March 1 – A Chatham employee fell and was injured at the Carriage House. The employee was transported to the hospital.
March 4 – An officer fell and was injured while on duty.
March 7 – A person refused to leave Graham Field. When officers arrived, the person left without incident.
March 10 – A student wanted to be transported to the hospital from Chung Apartments. Officers transported the student without incident.
March 17 – Traffic accident at Fifth Avenue and the Gate House. Both drivers were transported to the hospital with minor injuries.
March 20 – Officers requested to assist medics with a student not feeling well at Hicks Estate.
March 22 – A student reported damage to her vehicle in the Fickes Hall parking lot. Officers reviewed video footage that showed the student’s car wasn’t damaged in the lot.
*Source: Chatham University Public Safety