Chatham Student Government upcoming elections, changes to constitution

Chatham Student Government officers at a meeting March 24, 2022. Photo Credit: Jackie Clark.

Julia Staab

Students can elevate their voices and impact the community by running for Chatham Undergraduate Student Government (CSG) by noon Friday, March 25. The future of Chatham’s campus relies on the participation of the student body.


Filing means declaring intention to run for CSG positions such as class president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and representatives.

All current members must be re-elected this year, so even if a position is already filled there is still opportunity for a new student to be elected in that place. 

Any non-graduating undergraduate currently enrolled at Chatham and in good academic and disciplinary standing can be considered for offices. Students must maintain a 2.8 GPA. while in office.

Students wishing to file for an office position must submit the candidate filing form by Friday, March 25 and attend a campaigning meeting that evening at 4:30 p.m. on Zoom. The link will be sent to candidates directly through email after filing for a position.

Campaigns will last from Friday, March 25 until 11:55 p.m. Monday, April 4., and voting will begin the following day. 

CSG helps manage a wide range of events, programs and policies. They also have committees dedicated to athletic engagement, food on campus and safety. CSG enables students with the ability to add committees and projects they feel may be important throughout the year. 

Being a part of CSG gives students the opportunity to meet and work closely with other students as well as faculty and staff, as well. 

“Students should join the student government because it allows them to be involved in their education. Without the students, it would no longer be CSG,” says class of 2025 President Ethan Kelley, “We need new voices and eyes to see and speak out against things that shouldn’t be happening on campus.” 

CSG is the governing structure that provides a representative orderly method of government of all undergraduate students and advocates for the concerns, interests, needs and welfare of the undergraduate student body at Chatham.

CSG functions under the decisions of student-elected officials and the guidance of administrative members of Chatham. 

“Our student government is such an important group to be a part of on campus,” says Autumn Defrank, class of 2022 secretary and head of the CSG elections committee. “More students should run and be aware of CSG so that we can have the most diverse and qualified group of students to represent our study body and help make important improvements to our university.”

Elections and changes to the Constitution

Students will be sent a Brightspace link where they can vote beginning at 9 a.m. April 5 until April 7. 

The CSG Constitution has been revised and must be approved by 30% of the student body to pass. This important voting will take place when students go to vote on Brightspace for elections.

CSG Constitution​ empowers and authorizes them to act on the behalf of the undergraduate student body. The election chair has approved the new amendments; however, it cannot be passed without the vote of students.

CSG meetings

These students who are elected will participate in three kinds of meetings: senate, class and committee.

Senate meetings are held every Thursday during Chapel hour from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. There, every member of CSG can represent their constituents through proposing and voting on resolutions and bills and discussing issues on campus. 

Class meetings are held at the discretion of the class presidents – usually weekly or biweekly. Each class holds a meeting to discuss specific class-related concerns and work on class projects.

“I would say that there are no negatives to being in CSG,” says Kelley, “It is an understanding and open environment that allows growth in our community. If you want to see change, then come and be the change.”

Contact DeFrank at [email protected], or Office of Student Affairs at [email protected] if you have any other questions.