Joshi brothers grow relationship on lacrosse field

Isaac Joshi carries the ball for Chatham. Photo Credit: Lauren Haak/ Chatham Athletics

Josie Barton

Traveling from Cary, North Carolina, brothers Isaac Joshi ‘24 and Ethan Joshi ‘26 are student athletes on Chatham’s men’s lacrosse team. While the brothers have always been close throughout their life, their relationship has grown stronger since becoming teammates at Chatham University.

The brothers began their sports journey at very young ages. After their success in ice hockey, the boys transitioned over to lacrosse for the excitement of the game.

Chatham grabbed hold of Isaac Joshi because of his dual-sport athleticism and his interest in Chatham’s Integrated Degree Program.

“I wouldn’t have found this school if it weren’t for lacrosse. It had a major I was looking for.. and lacrosse was kind of the cherry on top,” Isaac said.

Isaac has a responsibility to give constructive criticism where it is needed and to inspire his teammates. Unchanged in their uncompromising relationship, Isaac emphasized his younger brother’s influence on his roled as a captain.

“I have someone younger to keep me in check. He’s [Ethan Joshi] not afraid to be honest with me. We’ve built that relationship that we will be honest with each other no matter what,” Isaac Joshi said.

Ethan Joshi became serious in his endeavors with lacrosse in his early years in high school. He followed his brother’s footsteps in athletics and in his academic pursuits.

“I actually didn’t want to come here [Chatham] because Isaac was here. I wanted to do my own thing. I applied to the DPT [doctor of physical therapy] program and got in,” Ethan Josh said. “When it comes to sports … I kind of saw the big brother plan and I was like ‘that looks fun I want to do that.’”

Isaac Joshi took on the big brother role by helping acclimate his younger sibling back onto the field after years of getting comfortable on the ice.

“Now that he’s [Ethan Joshi] gotten into the swing of things, on the field he feels like a teammate,” Issac Joshi said. “Over the past few years, we’ve become best friends.”

“Baby Joshi,” as he is most known on the field, Ethan took on the role as “younger brother,” following in his brother’s footsteps as a teammate and a sibling.

“It’s somewhat inspiring because he [Ethan Joshi] hasn’t played in a while and he’s picked it up really well,” Isaac Joshi said. “He works his butt off, and when he jumped in… he hit the ground running. He’s also found a role as a bit of an energy guy. As an older brother, I’m proud of that and it makes me want to work harder too.”

The brothers agree that their relationship on and off the field is at its peak. Despite their future plans in their respective areas of interest, the brothers are confident their relationship will withstand any distance.

“I don’t think being away will affect our relationship. It might actually make us closer,” said Ethan Joshi.

Fans, keep your eyes -and ears- out for Isaac Joshi in No. 44, and Ethan Joshi wearing No. 20.